ProQuest Central is an expansive compendium of tens of thousands of periodical titles across subject areas including Business, Education, Health and Medical, History, Language and Literature, Newspapers, Performing and Visual Arts, Philosophy, Religion, Science and Technology, and the Social Sciences.
Seven is a peer-reviewed academic journal focused on the lives and works of Owen Barfield, G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, George MacDonald, Dorothy L. Sayers, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams offering a particular emphasis on the literary, philosophical, religious, and historical aspects of the authors and their writings.
The Library has moved two of its long-standing subscriptions (Christianity Today and Biblical Archaeology Review) to EBSCO's online Flipster format. Both titles are available through iOS and Android Flipster apps as well as through a web browser.
A service of Alexander Street press, Academic Video Online is a streaming video collection of curated, discipline-focused, and primary-source materials for learning and research containing tens of thousands of titles including thousands of feature films.
A great place to start the research process. Credo Academic Core offers a collection of essential reference works and visual tools that provide a strong foundation for writing and research projects.
JSTOR is an easy-to-use general purpose database that contains journal articles on a broad range of subjects. You'll find it useful when researching for your class papers and projects. For more specific resources, go to our A-Z list and filter by subject.
PEC provides access to an academic library of hundreds of thousands of eBooks. It features unlimited access and multidisciplinary coverage and is designed specifically for research productivity, from discovery to reading to bookshelf. Ebook Central replaces the former Ebrary and Ebook Library platforms.
The Evangelical Missions Quarterly is an online publication whose purposes are "... to make available to the Church as a whole the wide range of insights gained from its work throughout the world and for mission agencies to keep each other stimulated and informed in the realm of ideas and practical missionary tactics."
RightNow Media is a library of thousands of streaming videos including Bible studies and leadership videos. It's open to Simpson students, employees and alumni and is viewable on all devices. If you want access to this resource, please ask someone in Student Development for an invitation.
Some of the library's premiere resources are hosted on the EBSCOhost platform including APA PsycArticles and CINAHL with Full Text.